Went to celebrate my belated birthday with my NTU friends... actually, is AJC friends...no...Amkss friends...haha. Long story lah. Tiensoon, Jeremy and Jun cong, talk more bout them later. So Jeremy came to fetch me in his car, seen here with Jun Cong, asking him things bout his IA. Keep laughing in the car... hahha. Jun Cong is so damn hilarious. Always like sitting in the car...lol. Since my family can't afford a car mah, so sitting in car...became a priviledge for me. LoL, that explains why I love taking cab. LoL.
Went to this zi cha place...at Commonwealth, very near to Sophia's cousin dessert stall, which appear in 抢摊大行动2. Seen here with Jeremy(left) and Junchong(middle). The food is damn good...damn ups... so good that we forgot to take any pics... Lol, in the end we realised we had forgotten to take photo...its too late..lol
Cos the food is gone!
Myself with Juncong. He's from AJC... by right, I should have known him in JC. hahah, but I only know such a funny friend in NTU. Through Tiensoon. He's a very jovial person...lol. Forever entertaining. Used to pop by Tiensoon and my room in NTU...and whenever he comes, there will be endless of laughters in our room. LoL
With Jeremy... he's a very nice person. We have known each other for 10 years lo! My secondary school friend, knew him since sec 1. We went to the same JC...though different class, and now same Uni, though different course. But he's a helpful friend, who appeared to my rescue when I had problems finding a vehicle for my goodies bag collection when I was a FOC biz mag. Jeremy, 谢了! Thanks for introducing this zi cha store...cos very ups! And thanks for driving us around... thank you arh!!!
Okay. Don't need to intro this guy. HAHAH. No lah, my ex-roomie, KUAN TIEN SOON!!! Wah...days without you in hall, so sianz. Hahah, he's my AJC classmate, he's very blur, but at the same time, it's his blurness that kept me entertained!!! He's very zai in studies, thanks for planning and organising this outing arh. If nothing goes wrong, he should be coming in to squat in my hall. HURRRRAY! Pls come and keep me entertained... with him around, I never fail to laugh out loud, every night. (Eh, don't think wrongly). LOL!
Our short conversation...using VADO HD.
Guys, thank you for the treat! Meanwhile, jia you and all the best in whatever you are doing!!!! Meet up soon! Junchong, all the best in you attachmenet!
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