Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday Fitness 2 : Weight Loss Methods for Men

Sunday Fitness is back! Thanks to, every Sunday will be updating fitness articles. =)

Sliming doesn't mean it is for ladies only. It is quite evident these days, with the slimming programmes and men cosmetics emerging from all corners. In fact, the biggest advantage of slimming for men is that weight loss is much easier for men than women because men have higher metabolism rates than women.

So you may ask, what is metabolism? Metabolism is actually the complete set of chemical reactions that occur in living cells. These processes are the basis of life, allowing cells to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments.

One of such metabolically active tissue is muscle. It requires a certain number of calories each day to maintain, therefore, the more muscles you have, the more calories you require. As your muscle mass drops, so does your daily caloric requirement.

Hence, it is very important for men who wish to slim down to pay attention to your gym sessions. The more muscles you develop at the gym, your caloric requirement and metabolism rate increases and helps you lose weight faster.

Here are additional tips for you to lose weight fast!

1) Cut back (Cut your intake of food to 3/4 of your normal serving size). Slowly reduce your intake of food. The more food you consume, the harder it is to lose those fats. For starters, just reduce your normal serving by one quarter.

2) Stay Away From Fast Food. The amount of flour and oil used to make these foods is enough to turn anyone off from taking them. These are high calorie foods that should be avoided at all costs.

3) Increase Your Activity Level (Burn off unnecessary fats!). Exercising is the best way to lose weight. The more you exercise, the more calories you burn.

4) Only eat when you are hungry. (Mouth itch is not allowed). The lower the intake of food is, the better it is. Remember everything you put into yourself is additional calories.

5) Set a goal (As the saying goes "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail"). Setting a realistic goal is very important, it gives you the motivation to go the extra mile. Use a food and training journal to keep track of your progress. It allows you to set targets and keep track of your weight and food intake as well as exercise routines.

6) No Soda (Loaded with calories, don't be fooled by diet soda either). Soda or even Diet soda is loaded with calories. A lot of sugar is added to give you the sweet taste.

7) Drink Water (When? Once an hour. Why? Good for your body and complexion). Water removes the impurities in your digestive system hence unwanted residues can be cleared easily. Drinking water before meals also makes you feel "full" and prevents you from gorging.

8) Limit Alcohol (Ever heard of beer belly? The reason lies with the calories). Drink fresh fruit juice instead!

Does it seem like an uphill task to complete? I won't disagree with you if you think it is. Weight loss is a process and not an instant solution. What you have just read is not a life changing plan, but a step-by-step adjustment to your current lifestyle. There is nothing wrong with drinking some liquor on a happy occasion. Occasional enjoyment is always necessary for our mental well-being. Do not force all these methods on yourself immediately or you will most likely give up within a week. Instead, set a realistic target and carry out everything gradually. Monitor yourself to ensure that you are making good progress.

Best of Luck!
About the Author:
Colin Tan is a fashion model, fitness trainer and sports nutritionist based in Singapore. See more of his articles at .
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