Thursday, October 7, 2010

Feel Good Friday - Can't Live Without...

Happy Friday everyone!

Guess who has finished and submitted all her uni assignments?

...and is just waiting to get her results to make sure that she has passed everything before she declares that she has officially finished her Master of Education?

Who me?

Yesterday I went out to run some errands and while I was at the shops I bought myself a little celebratory present...

...some new fragrance!

I can't live without fragrance.

Firstly, I'm a sensual person. I love scents, and tastes and beauty.

Secondly, I like to make the most of what I've got. I like to be well groomed and part of that, for me, is always smelling good!

For a couple of years now I've been wearing Jean Paul Gaultier 'Classique'.

LOVE IT! Love, love, love it.

But yesterday I decided to try some of Jean Paul's other scents for a bit of a change. After walking around the shopping centre with a scent on each arm for a couple of hours, I decided to get a bottle of 'MaDame'. It's quite different to Classique, but still from the same general fragrance family - floral top notes with a vanilla base. Time will tell whether I go back to Classique or if MaDame becomes my new favourite.

By the way, have you noticed that fragrances smell different on different people? You should never get a fragrance sample on a little card from the store - always try it on your skin. And always wear it for a while to allow the scent to develop. The 'top note' evaporates quickly, and you have to be sure that you like the way the fragrance smells as the middle note, then base note take prominance.

Anyway, enough of my little lesson on buying fragrance!

So, do you have a favourite fragrance that you can't live without?

Over to you. Please consider participating in 'Feel Good Friday'. You don't have to write about fragrance - just anything that makes you feel good!

1. Write a post on your blog titled "Feel Good Friday". Make it uplifting, or funny, or cute...basically anything that makes you (and hopefully your readers) feel good.

2. Make sure you mention my blog "a reader's random ramblings" somewhere in the post and include a link to my blog if you can. (I'm working on a button for future weeks, but for now you'll just have to copy and paste the URL.)

3. Use the Linky below to link your post to mine so that all my followers can visit your blog and read your Feel Good Friday post. Make sure you use the URL of your post, not just the home page of your blog.

4. Visit the other participants, read their posts, and FEEL GOOD!

Oooops! For some reason Mr Linky is not cooperating. If you decide to participate, then just leave a comment with the link.

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