Shannon at Welcome to the Nuthouse has just started her very own weekly meme. Yay! Every Tuesday she'll host Table Topics Tuesday, in which she'll announce a topic or question for everyone that plays along to discuss. Head to this post for today's topic:
which moment from your life
would you choose to relive if you could?
Have you ever had a moment in your life you wish you could relive? A happy memory you'd like to repeat... or a bad choice you wish you could go back and change...
So here's my response: regrets, I've had a few...
I think we all know as we get older, that we regret the things we didn't do more than the things that we did. You know what I mean; all the opportunities that we didn't take because we were too afraid, all the things we didn't try because we didn't know if we'd be able to do it, all the questions that we didn't ask because we were too embarrassed.
I've been there. Looking back, though my childhood and teenage years were generally great, I really wish I'd taken more chances, been more daring, and embraced more challenges. I know you can't put an old head on a young body, but I'd love to go back in time and tell my younger self a few home truths.
It doesn't really matter what other people think of you, as long as you're true to yourself. And very rarely are they thinking about you anyway!
You are good at lots of things, so be confident, follow your passions, and aim for the sky.
It's OK if you don't really know where you're going or what you're doing. You can change your plans whenever you want to, and there are lots and lots of options.
Don't measure yourself by anyone else's standards or expectations.
Love yourself, care for yourself, and listen to yourself to see what you need.
You always have choices, and it's OK to say no.
Smile, think positive, act positive, be positive.
I'm sure there's a lot more wisdom I could impart to my younger self, but I wonder whether she'd listen to me?!?
So, are you going to play along?
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