Sunday, November 29, 2009

I am feeling a little bit tired - I had a busy weekend.

Firstly, at the moment it's all about the ballet concert. Every year at this time things get a little manic as we are thrown into a whirlwind of extra rehearsals, costumes, ticket-buying and photos. This year Alana's ballet class is doing Swan Lake - hence the photo above. THIS IS NOT HER, but her costume is fairly similar, and they have learnt the actual choreography of the traditional ballet! In addition, Alana has been chosen to be one of the four cygnets (baby swans) who dance their own special bit. Even if you know nothing about ballet, you probably know the dance of the cygnets. It's that one in which the four dancers cross and hold hands in front. The one that everyone tries to imitate. Quite the honour!

This weekend she had rehearsal on Saturday and photo day (in full costumes and makeup) on Sunday. We also had to make a quick trip to our nearest Bloch store to pick up a few bits and pieces, including brand new ballet slippers (the old ones had been painted so many times I think they had more paint than leather on them!).

Secondly, one of my flute students had her 4th grade exam today. Saturday was her last lesson and Sunday afternoon we travelled to Sydney to stay with my parents overnight because the exam was being held 9am in AMEB headquarters and we didn't want to have to leave home before dawn to get there! My Mum and Dad were super hospitable feeding us and putting us up for the night, as well as driving us into the city this morning and dropping us right out the front of the building.

Good news - my student got a solid pass in a technically challenging exam. Smiles all 'round!

So that's me for now...

Spot the differences?

Spot the differences between Darius and Abigail? Haha!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Awful Library Books

Each time I sign in to my blog, I cast my eye down my blog list to see what all my blogging friends are writing about. There are a few blogs that are my favourites, that are not-to-be-missed. When they have a new post, I check it out straight away, because I'm sure to be entertained and informed.

One of my current faves is Awful Library Books. The title speaks for itself, and I usually see something laugh-out-loud funny. The comments are always great too.

Why don't you visit it today?



Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This song keeps me going

Have been looping this song...for the 6th times? LoL...

First paper flop. I know I'm a perfectionist, and hate to see failure in my life. I guess, I got to suck it up, I need to stand up from where I fell.

Kevin Soh, 加油. You will only fail when you give up on yourself. 加油.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Jobs, High School and the Twilight Saga.

  1. I have just posted another job application. No luck (so far, and it's been a while so I'm not holding my breath) with the other two that I applied for earlier in the month. This one is local (tick), part time (tick), and as part of the local public library team (just what I want). However, the hours are challenging (5 - 9.30am Tuesday to Friday), and I wouldn't actually be working in the library, but manning a book stall at the local train station as a service to commuters. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a fabulous service to the community (and before this job came up I didn't even know it existed). However, I don't think it's really my dream job! I'd prefer to be in the library, working with a team, and with the opportunity to extend my skills and use my abilities in many different areas of library work including story time for preschoolers, the virtual library (particularly online resources for school students) and reference work. I think that the Book Express job would be limited to checking out adult fiction. But it would be a foot in the door. And simply getting my resume into the hands of the people responsible for hiring at the library is a good start. I really hope I get an interview!
  2. The whole family went to the parent information evening at Alana's high school last night. Alana was fortunate (and talented!) enough to gain a place at an academically selective high school in our area. Last night was a precurser to Thursday week's orientation day, to prepare the 180 students that will be entering Year 7 next year (and will be the class of 2015!). We got lots of information about travel passes, uniforms, book packs, joining the P&C, and how to overcome "homework shock"! I'm starting to realise what a big deal it is to have your oldest child start high school. Any advice from parents that have "been there, done that" will be received gratefully!
  3. I'm re-reading Eclipse. I know, I know, it's not literary gold, but I can't help myself! After seeing New Moon at the movies I just had to continue with the story!

很 stressed.

I will be having my first paper in 8 hours time.

I seriously hate the feeling of taking first paper. Or you can say that I have low stress tolerance.

I'm not sure if I will do well for my papers, because I'm kinda numb to study hard, yet doing badly in my exams.

I don't excel in academics, I don't excel in sports. Coming to university had greatly decreased my confidence level to the minimum.

But without coming to University, I wont be knowing bunch of good friends.

Thank you.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sunday Fitness 2 - Lose Weight Quickly : Weight Loss Techniques, Diets, Supplements and Exercise Programmes

Have you ever starved yourself and achieved only 1kg (2.2lbs) to 2kg (4.4lbs) of weight loss and gave up after a while to find yourself balloon? Have you tried to work out but given up in 3 days?

What should you do to get in shape effectively and healthily to achieve a sustainable result?

An intake of 30-35 calories per kg (or 15 calories per pound) everyday is essential for our bodies to maintain the current weight. A Very-low-calorie diet results in a low metabolic rate which causes a slowdown in the fat burning processes, and the fat will be burned slowly. This slowed metabolic rate persists even after you start eating normally, resulting in you gaining weight rapidly and exceeding your original weight before the very-low-calorie diet.

And equally important, very-low-calorie diet is one of the worst assaults on our bodies, since the very-low-calorie diet induces low daily nutrient in-takes, which will lead to other health problems and osteoporosis. Another point to note is the weight loss through a very-low-calorie diet is not all fat, but includes a substantial loss in lean muscle tissue. Lean muscle tissue is necessary to help our bodies metabolize fat, so the more you lose, the slower you metabolize fat.

A very-low-calorie diet is bad for health and is unsustainable. The American Dietetic Association recommends that adults should keep the calorie intake at an average of 22 calories per kg (or 10 calories per pound) daily for healthy weight loss.

You can minimize the loss of lean muscle tissue during a weight loss cycle through a combination of exercise and moderate calorie reduction. By maintaining a higher amount of muscle tissue, you also increase your metabolic rate, helping your body burn off excess fats faster. Some studies have also shown that appetite suppression appears after moderate exercise. With exercise, your metabolism level is kept high while suppressing your appetite.

Moreover, doing exercise will promote healthy blood sugar levels to prevent or control diabetes, promote bone density to protect against osteoporosis, and lower high blood pressure. So exercise not only help you maintain an ideal weight, but also have a positive effect on your health.

Energy is measured in Calories and is obtained from the body stores or the food we eat. And the foods we consume can be grouped into three major categories: protein, fat, and carbohydrate. Protein and carbohydrate both provide 4 calories per gram, and in comparison, fat has a much higher calorie content which is 9 calories per gram. It is therefore advisable to avoid fatty foods since fat gives you the most calories per gram and you will want to avoid taking extra calories during a weight loss regime.

Fat serves as energy stores for the body. The recommended daily fat intake should be less than 30% of total calories due to the high calorie content.

Protein makes up a large part of our body. It is essential to growth and repair of your muscles. Proteins can come from animal sources such as meat, fish, eggs, and milk, legumes such as soybeans, lentil beans and peanuts, and fruits such as peach, coconut and pineapple. As a general guide, the US RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) recommends 0.80 gram per kg (or 0.37 gram per pound) of ideal body weight per day.

Carbohydrates are our main source of energy, thus an optimum diet should consist of at least 55% of total calories coming from carbohydrate .Whole grains, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, beets, rutabaga and salsify and legumes are the best sources of Carbohydrates due to their high starch content.

One way to achieve faster weight loss results is to use weight loss supplements. The most commonly used ingredients in weight loss products include CLA, Guarana, Chitosan and L-carnitine.

CLA has been found to increase lean muscle tissues while decreasing fats. It interferes with a substance in your body called lipoprotein lipase that helps store fat in your body, and it also helps your body use its existing fat for energy. Guarana contains around twice the caffeine found in coffee beans. It goads the nervous system into action, resulting in additional fat burning and improved endurance performance.

Chitosan is a special fiber taken from chitin. It is able to soak up 6 ~10 times its weight in fat and oils and prevent the absorption of and storage of fat by converting into a "gel" to trap the fat, so that the fat becomes un-absorbable by our bodies. L-Carnitine is a natural amino acid found in muscles. And it boosts energy by releasing stored body fat into the bloodstream for use in cellular energy production.

If you have no time to go to the gym frequently, having a home gym will be a good idea. Fitness equipment can be basically grouped into 2 types: aerobic and strength training equipment.

The most popular types of aerobic equipment are treadmill, exercise bike and rowing machine. A treadmill is ideal for a whole body workout since you can walk, jog and run on it. An exercise bike targets the lower body.

Strength training equipment comes as individual pieces such as dumbbells, barbells, workout benches and leg or abdominal equipment, which targets different parts of our bodies. For example, you can use the workout bench to do sit-ups to firm your tummy, or the dumbbells to train your biceps.

The healthiest way to lose weight is neither crash diets nor bursts of exercise, what you should better do is to make slow changes in your diet and exercise. Making a proper plan in your diet and supplements, combined with moderate exercise will help you achieve a sustainable, healthy and ideal figure.

About the Author:
Colin Tan is a fashion model, fitness trainer and sports nutritionist based in Singapore. See more of his articles at .
This article is brought to you by - Bringing you good nutrition and real results. .

Friday, November 20, 2009

Double Review Day

A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

Borrowed from my local public library.

**** "Enjoyable"

I have learnt by now that I enjoy the genre known as "popular science", which I presume means science written for the non-academic reader. I like finding out about stuff! This book sees Bryson take the reader on a tour of everything that is currently known about the universe, the Earth, and life on Earth.

Starting with an explanation about what scientists currently believe about how the universe began, Bryson introduces us to the unimaginable scale of everything science related. The enormous size of the universe is balanced by the truly teeny tiny size of its constituent parts. For instance, if we were to draw a picture of the solar system to scale, with the Earth reduced to the size of a pea, Pluto would be two and a half Kilometres distant! And a typical atom has a diameter of 0.00000008 centimetres, or eight one hundred millionths of a centimetre! But even more amazing, most of this diameter is actually empty space, with the nucleus of the atom occupying only one millionth of a billionth of the  total volume. Unbelievable!

Bryson also discusses evolution, ice ages, extinctions, and the rise of homo sapiens. I found it genuinely fascinating, and recommend it to anyone interested in the subject.

Since finishing uni for the year, I've had plenty of time for reading, so I can treat you to another review.

Real Murders by Charlaine Harris.

Borrowed from my local public library.

*** "Readable"

Real Murders is the first in the Aurora Teagarden mystery series by Charlaine Harris. Since I really enjoy the Sookie Stackhouse series, and also recently read, and loved, one of the Harper Connelly books, I thought I'd give this one a go.

Aurora Teagarden is a single 28-year-old librarian who lives alone in a townhouse in Lawrenceton, just out of Atlanta. She meets once a month with a group of like-minded individuals, who share an interest in true crime. Each month they dissect a famous case in detail, trying to decide whether the police arrested the right person, or attempt to solve unsolved mysteries. Unfortunately the Real Murders club find themselves right in the middle of a real murder when Aurora finds the body of Mrs Wright bludgeoned to death in the kitchen of the club's meeting place just as a meeting was due to begin. Before long the dead bodies and murder weapons are piling up, all of them with some connection to Real Murders club members, and all bearing striking resemblences to famous true crime cases.

Sounds promising, doesn't it? Unfortunately, it just didn't grab me. It's readable enough, but I don't think I'll be revisiting Aurora Teagarden in a hurry.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New Moon Rocks!

New Moon

Seen 6 am today with my gorgeous daughter Alana.

***** "Must see"

How good is this movie? So very, very good. Much anticipated, it did not disappoint. At all. Quite a feat! I cannot remember ever seeing a movie adaptation of a book that I loved like this. Very faithful to the book, and yet...somehow even better!

I know, heresy! In the long term, a movie will never be quite as satisfying as a book. It will never hold up to repeated watching the way a much loved book holds up to re-reading. But in the short term, this movie is very, very satisfying. There is nothing that leaves me feeling "I wish they had done such and such" or "I can't believe they left that out!" or "Why the hell did they add that bit?" or "So and so wasn't convincing". Nothing!

I believe that even non-fans will enjoy this, because it has lots of humour. Also action and romance and hot guys with no shirts on - what's not to love? And the story is told satisfyingly thoroughly. Sometimes movies-made-from-books skip over parts of the plot that leave me wondering how people who have not read the book will understand what is going on. Not New Moon. It cleverly makes sure that the plot is made explicit without making you feel that one of the characters has turned into the narrator.

So what are you waiting for? Get to the cinema pronto!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

So...what have I been up to?

Saturday's music recital went remarkably well! Alana's ballet teacher kindly allowed me to hold it in the ballet studio so that we would have plenty of space with an easily accessible piano. (At my place, the piano is in our "study", the fourth bedroom that is also home to our two computers and my desk. Fine for private music lessons, but no good for holding a recital!) My flute students played beautifully, and the choral item went well. All the additional performers, including Alana playing "Bella's Lullaby" on the piano, did a great job. My wonderful sister played piano to accompany the flautists and singers, and her three daughters entertained us with a super cute hula dance to "My Island Samoa".

And so now we steadily head on the downhill run to Christmas. Still ahead include school presentation nights, and Alana's Year 6 farewell as she heads to highschool next year. Also the end of year ballet concert and the Christmas shopping. But what I'm currently anticipating...only 3 sleeps to go until New Moon. Yes, that's right, Mum-of-the-year strikes again! Alana and I have tickets to the 6 am showing on Thursday. Mmmmm, shirtless Jacob....

Still no word on the jobs I have applied for, and still waiting for one more uni assignment return before I can say that I'm officially half-way through my Masters.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Justin's 23rd Birthday - Bloated Bloated and Bloated's the Yandao, haha... Justin Lee's Birthday. Every year, we only managed to give him a small celebration due to the tight exam period. But this year, since our exams were alittle bit later, we decided to give him a BIG celebration!

We went to Jurong Point Fish and Co together with our hall friends. But the prawns weren't really fresh, so Justin and Pris was not very happy with their service...and standards... look at their pissed off faces...

Here's Sophia with Justin...she's damn proud of her big snake ring...ehh...hahaha.

And we realised...out of the 4 of us...3 of us are carrying I-phone...except for the... very tall person lah...LOL.

Hall girls at Justin birthday...

And the guys...

So we finished our dinner at fish and co... with not a very good experience...

Then we went to this dessert stall which served us super hugh ice cream...and I really mean it. ENORMOUS, GIGANTIC...

Try to compare the dessert with our body proportion...haha.

Felicia and Daphne...

Brother getting ready for his ice cream...hahhaa. Majiam some ice cream eating competition...

The actions... woooHoO. Btw, we ordered 2 of that. Hahaha.

Didn't managed to take our usual group photo with Songwei...he had a special task, together with his girlfriend, Hazel...they secretly brought the birthday cake back hall.

Hall friends @ Bento Cafe

And we did it!!!! We conquered the GIGANTIC ice cream! WooOhOoo!

Then back was part 2 of his secret birthday plan. Yixia,Jia En, Felicia, Priscilla accompanied Justin to jog around the school...meanwhile, some of us were preparing the birthday celebration, and trying to gather more people in hall.

At 1am... SURPRISE!!! Hahah... we created the birthday board for him... though was abit chui...but bro, sorry arh, exams period, limited resources, we tried our best to give you the most liao...haha!

Well wishes from the different batches of residents in hall 14...

Hope you enjoyed your awesome birthday plan!!!!! May all your wishes come true man!

And finally... 5 of us have grown up... and celebrated all our birthdays!

May everyone stays healthy and excels in the coming exams! Good Luck bros and sis!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Praise the Lord - I have passed my ETL501 assignment!!!

It was worth 70% of my final grade, and earlier in the semester I failed the assignment that was worth 30%, so I really, really, really needed to pass it!

Hooray! Lecturer says it was a big improvement on my first assignment, but that I still have the tendency to stray off task...

Now I can get onto final preparations for the music recital I am holding this afternoon. There are twelve items, including both vocal and instrumental performances; solos, duets, and even a mini choir! The youngest performer is my niece Darcy, the oldest are two guitar-playing Dads that are getting in on the act. I am encouraging a family-friendly, fun and relaxed celebration of music. (And we are all going out for dinner - table for 27! - afterwards.)

Will post tomorrow to let you know how it all went.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Serena!

Happy Birthday Serena! We gave her a surprised birthday party on Monday...not really surprised lah, she knew the party, but just that dunno the program...

Serena with the FOC gang... less Chunhern, Dennis and Joseph..

Serena with her birthday cake...

The board designers...

Our masterpiece!

Serena's birthday plan...成功!!!

And...the video that made her teared.... birthday wishes...from all around the world!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My new book review format.

I seem to have been posting quite a lot of book reviews lately, so I have decided to try a new format.

The spare room by Helen Garner.

Borrowed from my local public library.

* * * * "Enjoyable"

From the cover notes: "Helen lovingly prepares her spare room for her friend Nicola. She is coming to visit for three weeks, to receive treatment she believes will cure her cancer. From the moment Nicola staggers off the plane, gaunt and hoarse but still somehow grand, Helen becomes her nurse, her guardian angel and her stony judge. The spare room tells a story of compassion, humour and rage. The two women - one sceptical, one stubbornly serene - negotiate an unmapped path through Nicola's bizarre therapy, stumbling toward's the novel's terrible and transcendent finale."

This book is a work of fiction. But because Garner has named her narrator Helen, and because the writing is so extraordinarily honest, I would swear that this book is the the recounting of actual events in the author's life. The dialogue is pitch perfect - exactly as people really speak. Garner doesn't fluff around with language either, but uses it deliberately and sparingly. Consider this short passage:

"A dry breeze puffed up the slope. It lifted her hair and showed the pitiful thinness of her neck. I put down my sandwich and grabbed her hands."

My favourite character is Bessie, Helen's grand-daughter that lives next door:

"Something rustled at the back door. Bessie slid into the kitchen, beaming, in a floor-length flounced skirt and fringed shawl.
'No, sweetheart - sorry. Not now.'
Her smile faded. 'But I've got a new dance to show you.'
'Nicola's asleep. She needs a very quiet house because she's terribly sick.'
She stared at me, sharply interested.'Is Nicola going to die?'
She began to twist the doorknob, writhing and grizzling. 'I need you to play with me. I'm bored.'
'Don't push it, Bess. You heard what I said.'
'If you don't let me come in, I won't be able to stop whining.'"

Highly recommended.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Almost Perfect by Kelly Denley

So, imagine that you are 31 years old and have eight children. You have been a wife and mother since you were 17, and you struggle with the fear that everyone sees you as nothing more than an overweight woman who "doesn't know what causes it". Your eldest two children have Asperger's Syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder. You are suffering from post-natal depression. Your husband has been retrenched from his job. Your father is dying from liver failure due to diabetes. Several of your children are being bullied at school, and two of them are being medicated for depression. What do you do?

Kelly Denley obviously isn't your typical woman. Because what she did was go back to school to finish the education that was cut short by teen pregnancy, then take her whole family on a 14 month camping adventure around Australia, home schooling the children and studying at uni (via distance) all the way.

Mind-blowing, isn't it!

This book is Kelly's recounting of the catalysts in her life that led her to embark on this amazing adventure, along with the stories of the trip itself. Sure to have you cheering for her, and feeling ready to embrace a positive attitude to life.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dr Yuen's Birthday - A mass gathering for different generations of Chong's Clinic

Yesterday celebrated Dr Yuen's birthday @ my favourite Thai place near yishun... it's like a mass gathering from different generations of Chong's Clinic. Sometimes I wonder...we are like the real life version of Hong Kong drama...真情! Haha.

Dr Yuen's Cake...

The little gift that was made by all of us. "Freshly Bake" Haha.

Myself with Jason's son, Couen and Alden, nope...they are not twins. Haha. And together with Chin Chin's daughter, Clarise

The previous batches of Chong's Clinic part-timers...

I can't believe it...I have actually worked with 2 generations already. Hahah...OLD LIAO.

Dr Yuen with friends and family...and with part-timers.

A reunion for all!

After that...we went to Kbox @ Amk...

Mai siao siao...Dr yuen sings Jay Chou's song leh~ haha

Deborah, Sabrina and Adeline..

Dr yuen caught unprepared...

Reminiscing the good old days!

Happy birthday Dr Yuen! Thanks for the dinner, and Jason, thanks for the KTV!

Sunday arvo Quote of the Day

Seek what makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive,
along with the inner voice that says,
this is the real me

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