Friday, October 21, 2011

Confession is Good for the Soul


I confess...

...that I am using a fellow blogger's linky meme to give my blogging a little bit of a pep up.

I've been feeling unfocused with my blogging lately. 

Lacking inspiration.

So I've been on the lookout for some blogs that host regular linkups. I thought that joining in would give me some much needed motivation to write about a given topic.

I confess that if linking up with Mamarazzi's Friday Confessional brings me a few more readers and/or followers, that wouldn't be such a bad thing either.

I confess...

...that I'm finding this a little bit harder than I thought I would. 

It's pretty easy to write something flippant and leave it at that; it's harder to share something of myself in truth.

So I'm going to try to walk the middle ground here.

I confess...

...that I like wine. A lot. And I have to be careful, when I'm relaxed and enjoying myself, not to drink too much of it. Or I might get a bit tipsy. Which is fine, but not so much when I'm at a family gathering with the kids in tow.

I confess...

...that I like teen-centred TV shows waaaay too much for a woman my age. I think I may be suffering from a case of arrested development. I'm ever so happy watching things set in high schools full of teen angst. The Vampire Diaries being my latest crush. I've been like this for a long time. I don't think that I'm likely to grow out of it any time soon.

So that's me for today.

If you've got something to confess, click on the pic at the top of this post and visit Mamarazzi.

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