Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's been awhile...

I had to take a rather long break from blogging. A lot has happened since I blogged last. Some good some sad. I'll start with the sad first. In late July, I lost a dear friend and co-worker Cameron Amos. He was on his way to being an amazing stylist. He was taken too soon and will be forever remembered by myself, our co-workers, friends and family. He is a precious soul with a hearty laugh, who even though left this world too soon, has left a beautiful impression on my heart.

Secondly, I lost my Grandmother in early August. She was an amazing grandmother and while I am sad she is gone I know that she will be watching over me and our family. I will miss her dearly and the bright smile that would come across her face when I would visit. Rest in Peace Cameron and Mema. Love you both.

Now, for the hair side of things...Without jinxing the final product, we had a very successful photo shoot for SEVEN a couple of weekends ago. We should be expecting shots this coming week and I am super excited about seeing the images. The photographer for the day was Alvin Nguyen. So much talent in that guy! Our wardrobe stylist was Stacy Zimmerman. The gals looked amazing when it was all put together; wardrobe, hair and makeup. Rick Toth and Tanya Rodriguez were our resident makeup artists.

We had 5 models all together; Lottie, Shawn, Courtney, Ning and Jessica. We spent two days making sure everything came together accordingly. The theme throughout the shoot was a strong fringe and some geometry in the haircuts. Sunday was spent meeting the girls and getting their hair ready for the next day. Antonio, Lindsay and myself cut and colored the girls hair from 9am until 5pm. Monday morning started early at 7am and we began shooting at 10am. We finally wrapped up shooting by 3pm. I was exhausted to say the least, but in a good, I've accomplished something kind of tired.

Below are some of the behind the scenes shots...Enjoy!

As soon as I am able to put up pics of the final product I will be posting! 

Have a great day!!!



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