Thursday, August 26, 2010

Feel Good Friday - The Shopping Edition

Yes folks, it's upon us again - Friday (hooray!).

This week it was my birthday, and my mum and dad were kind enough to give me a generous gift of some money to buy myself something nice.

I went shopping on Wednesday, and this is what I got:

One lovely new top for spring. The photo doesn't quite capture the colour, which is a vibrant fuchsia.

 One delightful new skirt for spring.

I was going to add a photo showing you how lovely the skirt and top look together, but Blogger is being a bit difficult about uploading photos, so you'll just have to imagine it :)

Now it's your turn.

1. Write a post on your blog titled "Feel Good Friday". Make it uplifting, or funny, or cute...basically anything that makes you (and hopefully your readers) feel good.

2. Make sure you mention my blog "a reader's random ramblings" somewhere in the post and include a link to my blog if you can. (I'm working on a button for future weeks, but for now you'll just have to copy and paste the URL.)

3. Use the Linky below to link your post to mine so that all my followers can visit your blog and read your Feel Good Friday post. Make sure you use the URL of your post, not just the home page of your blog.

4. Visit the other participants, read their posts, and FEEL GOOD!

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