What is it? Why, it's only the newest blog event in town!
How does it work? Here are the instructions:
1. Write a post on your blog titled "Feel Good Friday". Make it uplifting, or funny, or cute...basically anything that makes you (and hopefully your readers) feel good.
2. Make sure you mention my blog "a reader's random ramblings" somewhere in the post and include a link to my blog if you can. (I'm working on a button for future weeks, but for now you'll just have to copy and paste the URL.)
3. Use the Linky on my Feel Good Friday post to link your post to mine so that all my followers can visit your blog and read your Feel Good Friday post. Make sure you use the URL of your post, not just the home page of your blog.
4. Visit the other participants, read their posts, and FEEL GOOD!
Got that? So come back tomorrow (or when it's Friday at your place), and we'll get this party started!
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